
Objects / Battlefield

Miniatures, tokens, and terrain are all objects. The table or surface being played on is the battlefield.
Objects can rest on top of each other only in the following ways:
  1. Terrain can be placed resting on top of other terrain but cannot be placed resting on top of tokens or miniatures.
  2. Tokens that are on the battlefield can be placed resting on top of terrain and other tokens but cannot be placed resting on top of miniatures.
  3. Miniatures can be placed resting on top of both tokens and terrain but cannot be placed resting on top of each other.

Bases and Base Contact

Each miniature in Star Wars: Legion is modeled on a base. A unit’s base depends on its unit type: troopers, clone troopers, droid troopers, and Wookiee troopers are on small bases. Everything else is on notched bases of various sizes.One Clone trooper and AT-RT miniature with some space apartMany rules in Star Wars: Legion use the term “base contact,” which means that the miniature's base must be touching whatever the rule is referencing. This includes another miniature’s base, a piece of terrain, or a token.Miniatures cannot move into base contact with miniatures from enemy units unless the unit leader has a melee weapon (black/range-melee.png). If the unit leader does, the unit leader can perform a move into base contact with an enemy miniature to start a melee.Because an object can be placed on top of uneven terrain, there are situations in which another miniature cannot be placed into physical base contact with the object because of a difference in elevation between the two bases. In these situations, if the following two conditions are met, the miniature and object are treated as if they are in base contact: when viewed from above, there is no space between the miniature's base and the object, such that if they were not on differing elevations or were both flat on the battlefield, the miniature's base and the object would be touching, and the vertical distance between the miniature's base and the object is no greater than the height of either object´s silhouette.One Clone trooper and one Droid trooper miniature with bases touching physically.


Melee is close ranged, hand-to-hand combat between two or more units. When two miniatures controlled by opposing players are in base contact, those units are in melee.


When determining LOS between two miniatures, if an unobstructed straight imaginary line can be drawn from any part of one miniature’s silhouette to any part of the other miniature’s silhouette, those miniatures have LOS to each other.To determine the height of a miniature’s silhouette, use the following rules:
  1. Trooper units and all their subtypes use a standardized silhouette template to determine LOS. Place the side with the white mark touching the miniature’s base, moving the template around if needed. The notched base trooper silhouette template is not as wide as a notched base, so it will need to be moved around to measure LOS to various parts of the silhouette. Miniatures in trooper units with small bases use the small base trooper silhouette template, and miniatures in trooper units with notched bases use the notched base trooper silhouette template.
A tall, tiled rectangle tokenA small, tiled rectangle token
  1. Unlike trooper units, vehicles do not use silhouette templates when determining LOS. To determine a vehicles silhouette, create a cylinder rising from the vehicle miniature’s base all the way to the top of the vehicle’s hull— do not include things like antennas, weapons, or crew members when creating this cylinder. Players should discuss vehicle silhouettes before the game begins.
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