Loadout (Unit Keyword)

During Army Building, when a player includes a unit with the Loadout keyword in their army, for each Upgrade Card equipped to that unit, they may choose another eligible Upgrade Card of the same type with an equal or lesser point cost and set it aside. During Setup, a unit with the Loadout keyword may swap any number of its equipped Upgrade Cards with the matching set-aside Upgrade Cards one for one.When swapping Upgrade Cards, a unit cannot have two or more upgrades with the same name equipped at the same time. If two or more units with the Loadout keyword are in the same army, keep their respective set-aside Upgrade Cards separate. Each unit can swap Upgrade Cards only with their own set- aside cards; they cannot share set-aside Upgrade Cards.A Counterpart Card that is added to a unit with the Loadout keyword also benefits from the Loadout ability.
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