Shielded X

Shield token, front and backA unit with the Shielded X keyword has X shield tokens. Shield tokens belong to the unit and are not assigned to individual miniatures. If a unit gains the Shielded X keyword, it gains X shield tokens. Similarly, if a unit loses the Shielded X keyword it loses X shield tokens.Shield tokens are double-sided, with an active side and an inactive side, and always enter play with their active side faceup placed on the battlefield next to the unit that has those shield tokens. When a unit flips an active shield token, that shield token is flipped to its inactive side and is now inactive. When a unit flips an inactive shield token, that shield token is flipped to its active side and is now active.While defending against a ranged attack, during the Modify Attack Dice step, a defending unit may flip any number of its active shield tokens to their inactive side to cancel one hit black/hit.png or critical black/hit-critical.png result for each shield token flipped in this way.
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