

Star Wars: Legion uses two kinds of measuring tools: movement tools and range tools. Any distance can be measured at any time, but players may use only one movement tool and one range tool at a time.There are three movement tools, from shortest to longest: the speed-1 tool, the speed-2 tool, and the speed-3 tool.

Movement Tools

Three variants of the Movement Tools.

Range Rules Segments

Four segments of the Range Rules.

Half-Range Tool

The Half-Range ToolDownload 3D Printable Half-Range tool.A range tool can be made up of any number of connected 6-inch segments as well as up to one 3-inch half-range tool.
  1. black/range-melee.png: Melee
  2. black/range-half.png: Half-Range
  3. black/range-1.png: Range 1
  4. black/range-2.png: Range 2
  5. black/range-3.png: Range 3
  6. black/range-4.png: Range 4
  7. black/range-5.png: Range 5
  8. black/range-infinite.png: Beyond range 5

Area Weapon

A weapon with a yellow range icon black/range-1.png is an area weapon. When using an area weapon, perform a separate attack against each unit, friendly and enemy, that is in LOS and at the range indicated by the number on the range icon, even if that unit is engaged. Attacks made by area weapons are always ranged attacks.Area weapons can never be in an attack pool made by a unit and must always be the only weapon in an attack pool.
Sometimes, more than one number is shown—in this case, the first number represents the minimum range, and the second number represents the maximum range. If only a single number is shown, then that is the maximum range for that effect.A blue square with beyond icon and number range 1 to 3.Range is always measured as the shortest distance possible between two objects. To measure range between two objects, take the range tool and place it flat on the battlefield so that one end is touching the object being measured from. Then add segments until the total length of the range tool is longer than the distance between the two objects. The segment of the range tool that object is inside is equal to the range between the two objects. When measuring to or from miniatures, always measure from the miniature’s base, ignoring the miniature itself.A red square with melee icon.Melee range is not measured with the range tool; instead, two miniatures are in melee range with one another if they are in base contact.

Measuring Range

When measuring range between two objects, only take the horizontal distance into account—never the vertical distance. A measurement tool should always be flat on the battlefield; if this isn’t possible (due to terrain, for example), hold the measuring tool above the battlefield and check positions based on the measurement tool.Photo with the measurement tool flat on the ground.
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