Objective Tokens

Units in Star Wars: Legion use objective tokens to score victory points. Objective Cards and Secondary Objective Cards specify which objective tokens are used and how to score victory points with them. Miniatures can move through objective tokens.

Types of Objective Tokens

There are two types of objective tokens:
  1. Asset Tokens: Assets are valuable objects that can be carried around.
  2. Point-of-Interest Tokens: Also referred to as POIs. POIs represent critical locations, vantage points, or particularly interesting areas that armies attempt to secure throughout a battle.
  1. When determining the number of obscured miniatures and determining cover during an attack sequence, treat POIs as a piece of area terrain consisting of the volume of their silhouette that provides heavy cover. The silhouette for a POI is a cylinder as wide as the token and black/range-half.png tall. For all other rules purposes, POIs do not block LOS.
  2. Miniatures, advantage tokens, and other objective tokens cannot overlap or be overlapped by POIs.
  3. POIs can be represented by a miniature on a 2-inch base instead of using a token. A POI represented by a miniature still counts as a token and does not count as a miniature for all rules purposes.
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Contesting Objective Tokens

A unit is contesting an objective token if its unit leader is at black/range-half.png of the objective token and the unit is not panicked.

Claiming Objective Tokens

Battle Cards describe which units are eligible to claim asset tokens in that mission by granting them a Claim free action. An eligible unit can claim an unclaimed asset token it is contesting by performing that free action. When a unit claims an asset objective token, remove that token from the battlefield and place it on that unit’s Unit Card. That unit is now holding that asset token. When a unit drops an asset token it is holding, the opponent of that unit’s controlling player places that token on the battlefield at black/range-half.png of that unit’s unit leader. While an asset objective token is on the battlefield, it is unclaimed.When a unit panics, it drops all asset tokens it is holding. When a unit is defeated, it drops all asset tokens it is holding before removing its unit leader miniature from the battlefield.

Securing Objective Tokens

Some objective tokens can be secured. If an objective token can be secured, the player with the most units contesting that objective token is securing it.

Placing Objectives

Objective tokens must meet the following conditions when they are placed:
  1. Objective tokens cannot be placed overlapping impassable terrain.
  2. Objective tokens cannot be placed partially overlapping a non-area terrain feature.
  3. Objective tokens cannot be placed overlapping obstacle terrain that is height 2 or greater.
During Setup, if an objective token should be placed at a position where the above conditions are not met, players must adjust terrain placement in a mutually agreeable manner so that the conditions are met. After Setup, if an objective token must be placed and there is not a position in range where the above conditions are met, that token is placed in the closest position that meets the above conditions instead.
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