Issue Orders and Nominate Commanders

After determining priority, players nominate commanders and issue orders to their units.If the played Command Card corresponds to a specific unit, that unit must be nominated as the commander. Otherwise, players may nominate any one black/rank-commander.png unit to be their commander.Once all players have nominated a commander, they issue orders to their units, starting with the player who has priority. The number of orders and the units they can be issued to is listed on each Command Card. For a commander to issue an order to a unit, the following must be true:
  1. The unit cannot have already received an order during the current Command Phase.
  2. The unit must match the type (if any) listed on the Command Card.
When a unit is issued an order, take an order token that corresponds to the unit’s rank and place it faceup next to the unit. A commander must issue all the orders allowed by the Command Card, if able. If a commander cannot issue all the orders allowed by the Command Card, any excess orders are lost. Once both players have issued orders, they then proceed to create the order pool.
Some rules or abilities allow units to be issued orders from sources other than the nominated commander. These units do not have to follow the above criteria when they are issued orders in this way, instead following the rules of the effect granting that order. A unit cannot be issued more than one order each round.
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