
Star Wars: Legion uses dice rolls to determine the results of the actions the players’ armies perform on the battlefield—most commonly attacking and defending. Star Wars: Legion uses five different kinds of dice: three for attacking and two for defending. For attacking, players roll red, black, or white attack dice; while defending, they roll red or white defense dice.Attack dice have the following symbols: Hit (black/hit.png), Attack Surge (black/hit-surge.png), Critical (black/hit-critical.png).Defense dice have the following symbols: Block (black/block.png), Defense Surge (black/block-surge.png).Die faces that are blank are blank results.The faces of each die are as follows:
  1. black/hit.png: Hit
  2. black/hit-critical.png: Critical
  3. black/hit-surge.png: Attack Surge
  4. black/block-surge.png: Defense Surge
  5. black/block.png: Block
  6. Blank
Three variants on attack type and dice.There are three colors of attack dice: red, white, and black. Each attack die is represented on cards by the following icons:
  1. Red attack die
  2. White attack die
  3. Black attack die
Two variants on defense type and dice.There are two colors of defense dice: red and white. Each defense die is represented on a unit’s card by the following icons:
  1. Red defense die
  2. White defense die
The dice used by a unit to attack and defend are listed on its Unit Card, or occasionally an Upgrade or Command Card.
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