
Attacks are usually made by units as part of an attack action but can be made as part of another rule. A unit may make multiple attacks a turn but can only perform one attack action per turn, regardless of whether the attack action is a free action.
  1. Declare Defender
  2. Form Attack Pools
    1. Determine Eligible Miniatures
    2. Choose Weapons and Gather Dice
  3. Declare Additional Defender
  4. Roll Attack Dice
    1. Roll Dice
    2. Reroll Dice
    3. Convert Attack Surge
  5. Apply Dodge and Cover
    1. Determine Number of Obscured Miniatures
    2. Determine Cover
    3. Roll Cover Pool
    4. Apply Cover
    5. Apply Dodge
  6. Modify Attack Dice
  7. Roll Defense Dice
    1. Roll Dice
    2. Reroll Dice
    3. Convert Defense Surges
  8. Modify Defense Dice
  9. Compare Results
  10. Assign Suppression Token to Defender
  11. Choose Additional Attack Pool

Line of Sight

Line of sight (LOS) is used to see if one miniature can “see” another miniature. A player determines LOS from the perspective of their miniatures.This is done by creating a cylinder rising from the miniature’s base called a silhouette. A miniature’s silhouette includes the miniature’s base and the area above it up to the height of the silhouette.When determining LOS between two miniatures, if an unobstructed straight imaginary line can be drawn from any part of one miniature’s silhouette to any part of the other miniature’s silhouette, those miniatures have LOS to each other.

Blocking LOS

Regardless of which silhouettes are used to determine LOS, several things may block LOS by preventing an imaginary straight line from being drawn between the silhouettes of the two miniatures:
  1. The silhouettes of miniatures in vehicle units block LOS.
  2. Terrain that the players have determined blocks LOS.
  3. The silhouettes of miniatures in trooper units and all their subtypes do not block LOS.

Terrain Blocking LOS

Terrain can block LOS between miniatures by preventing an unobstructed imaginary straight line from being drawn between their silhouettes. This usually is due to the terrain’s size or shape creating a barrier between the two silhouettes. Additionally, some terrain also blocks LOS due to its nature of being concealing or obscuring—an example of this would be a billowing smokestack, a foggy marsh, or a burning ruin. Terrain like this should be identified by the players before the game begins.
Situation on tabletop with lines drawn to illustrate Line of Sight.The Battle Droids can draw LOS to the Clone Troopers because they can draw an imaginary straight line from their unit leader’s silhouette to at least 1 of the Clone Trooper’s silhouettes.The Battle Droids can draw LOS to Clone Commander Cody because the silhouette of the Clone Troopers does not block LOS.The Battle Droids do not have LOS to Obi-Wan Kenobi, because the building blocks an unobstructed straight imaginary line from their unit leader’s silhouette to any part of his silhouette.


When determining LOS between two miniatures, if an unobstructed straight imaginary line can be drawn from any part of one miniature’s silhouette to any part of the other miniature’s silhouette, those miniatures have LOS to each other.To determine the height of a miniature’s silhouette, use the following rules:
  1. Trooper units and all their subtypes use a standardized silhouette template to determine LOS. Place the side with the white mark touching the miniature’s base, moving the template around if needed. The notched base trooper silhouette template is not as wide as a notched base, so it will need to be moved around to measure LOS to various parts of the silhouette. Miniatures in trooper units with small bases use the small base trooper silhouette template, and miniatures in trooper units with notched bases use the notched base trooper silhouette template.
A tall, tiled rectangle tokenA small, tiled rectangle token
  1. Unlike trooper units, vehicles do not use silhouette templates when determining LOS. To determine a vehicles silhouette, create a cylinder rising from the vehicle miniature’s base all the way to the top of the vehicle’s hull— do not include things like antennas, weapons, or crew members when creating this cylinder. Players should discuss vehicle silhouettes before the game begins.


Each unit is equipped with weapons that miniatures may contribute to attack pools. Every weapon has a range and dice it contributes to an attack pool when used by a miniature during an attack.Some weapons have keywords associated with them, called weapon keywords. Weapons on Upgrade or Command Cards sometimes have their own surge charts.A weapon with a black/range-melee.png is a melee weapon, and a weapon with a blue range icon is a ranged weapon. A weapon with both a melee icon and one or more blue ranged icons can be used as a melee weapon or a ranged weapon, chosen when the weapon is added to an attack pool—treat the weapon as that type for the duration of the attack sequence.An attack pool that contains melee weapons is a melee attack, while an attack pool that contains ranged weapons is a ranged attack.Examples of Anakin's Lightsaber and Luke's Blaster


A trooper unit with the black/rank-commander.png or black/rank-operative.png rank benefits from backup if it is at black/range-half.png and has LOS to the unit leader of a unit that provides backup. A unit must meet the following requirements to provide backup:
  1. The unit has the black/rank-corps.png rank.
  2. The unit is a trooper unit.
  3. The unit does not have a number of suppression tokens equal to or greater than its courage.
When a unit that is benefiting from backup is attacked by a ranged attack and the attacking unit’s unit leader is beyond black/range-2.png of it, it may cancel up to two black/hit.png results during the Modify Attack Dice step of the attack sequence.
Clarification: A unit with the Guardian X keyword cannot benefit from backup and ignores the black/rank-corps.png rank requirement to provide backup.[Source]

Abilities that ignore the corps rank requirement:

Declare Defender

The first stage in the attack sequence is choosing an enemy unit to attack. The attacking player declares they are performing an attack action with their unit against an enemy unit, which becomes the defending unit.Then, measuring from the attacking unit’s unit leader, the attacking player checks to see that the defending unit is at range of at least one of the attacking unit’s weapons and has at least one miniature in LOS to the attacking unit leader.If either of these conditions cannot be met, the attack or attack action cannot be made.
A droid unit at range 3 of Obi-Wan and Clone troopers.Sarah has declared an attack action with her unit of Battle Droids. The first step of the attack sequence is to declare a defender. Measuring from the Battle Droids’ unit leader, Sarah chooses an enemy unit that is in range of at least one of the Battle Droid’s weapons and that has at least 1 miniature in LOS. In this case, since the Battle Droids’ weapons are black/range-1.pngblack/range-3.png, Sarah must choose an enemy unit at black/range-3.png of the Battle Droids’ unit leader that is also in LOS. Since the Battle Droid unit leader has LOS to both Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Clone Troopers, and both are in range of at least 1 of the Battle Droids’ weapons, Sarah can choose either as the defending unit.

Form Attack Pools

The attack pool consists of all the attack dice the attacking unit rolls against the defending unit. To form the attack pool, the attacking player performs the following steps:
  1. Determine Eligible Miniatures: A miniature in the attacking unit is eligible to add dice to the attack pool if that miniature has LOS to any miniature in the defending unit.
  2. Choose Weapons and Gather Dice: For each eligible miniature, the attacking player may choose up to one weapon available to the miniature to add to the attack pool, along with any weapon keywords that weapon may have.
  1. A miniature must meet any requirements to choose a weapon.
  2. A miniature may only add a weapon to an attack pool once throughout the entire attack sequence.
  3. Weapons provided by a black/upgrade-squad-leader.png, black/upgrade-heavy.png, or black/upgrade-personnel.png upgrade or Command Card can only be used by the miniature indicated on the card.
  4. A weapon cannot be chosen if the defending unit is at a range less than the weapon’s minimum range or greater than the weapon’s maximum range, as measured from the attacking unit leader to the closest miniature in the defending unit.
  5. A ranged weapon cannot be chosen if the defending unit is in melee with the attacking unit.
  6. An attack pool cannot contain both melee and ranged weapons.
  7. An attack pool can consist of different weapons.
  8. All weapons with an identical name must go in the same attack pool and cannot be split among multiple attack pools.
  9. An attack pool must consist of at least one weapon.
After the attacking player is done forming the attack pool, they gather all the dice for that attack pool and place them on the battlefield next to the defending unit.
A droid unit at range 3 of Clone troopers.Summer has declared an attack with her unit of Battle Droids and ensured that the defending unit of Clone Troopers are in range and LOS. Next, Summer determines eligible miniatures by checking LOS from each individual Battle Droid in the unit. A miniature is eligible to contribute dice to an attack pool if it has LOS to any miniature in the defending unit. Summer determines that all but 1 of Battle Droids are eligible miniatures. Then, for each eligible miniature, Summer chooses 1 of the weapons available to the unit for that miniature to contribute to the attack pool. A miniature must meet all requirements, if any, to choose a particular weapon. Finally, Summer cannot choose any weapons if the Clone Troopers would be closer than the weapon’s minimum range or beyond the weapon’s maximum range.Since the Clone Troopers are at black/range-2.png and Summer has 4 eligible Battle Droids, she decides to add 4 black/range-1.pngblack/range-3.png blaster rifles to the attack pool. She gathers the dice for these weapons and places them together on the battlefield next to the defending unit.

Attacking in Melee

Miniatures that are not in base contact with an enemy miniature can still contribute dice to an attack pool with a melee weapon if they belong to a unit in melee. A melee weapon cannot be in the same attack pool as a non-melee weapon.

Declare Additional Defender

If there are any remaining weapons available to a unit that have not been added to an attack pool, and there are eligible miniatures that have not yet added a weapon to an attack pool, the attacking player may repeat steps 1–2 of the attack sequence, forming a new attack pool targeting a different defending enemy unit than any other attack pool. Weapons cannot be added to an attack pool if a weapon with the same name has already been added to a different attack pool.
In the previous example, Sarah put all the Clone Troopers’ weapons into the same attack pool. If she wishes, she may leave the heavy weapon out of the attack pool and instead form a pool with only the 4 blaster rifles, leaving an eligible miniature that has not contributed a weapon to an attack pool. After she has formed the first attack pool, she may then choose to declare a new defender and repeat steps 1–2 of the attack sequence, forming a new attack pool with the heavy weapon against a different defending unit.

Roll Attack Dice

The attacking player chooses an attack pool and resolves the following steps in order:
  1. Roll Dice: The attacking player rolls the dice in the attack pool.
  2. Reroll Dice: The attacking player can resolve any abilities or spend any aim tokens that allow the attacking unit to reroll attack dice. A unit may spend any number of aim tokens while it is attacking to reroll up to two different attack dice for each aim token spent. If a unit has multiple aim tokens, that unit can choose to spend each aim token after determining the results of any previous rerolls granted by aim tokens. A unit may reroll the same die multiple times by spending multiple aim tokens, but each die may only be rerolled once per aim token.
  3. Convert Attack Surges: The attacking player changes any black/hit-surge.png results to the result indicated on the Unit Card. Additonally, the attacking player may spend any number of surge tokens on the attacking unit to convert one black/hit-surge.png result to black/hit.png a result for every surge token spent. If no result is indicated, turn the die to a blank result.
Simone has an attacking unit of Snowtroopers with an attack pool that consists of 5 white dice. She rolls the dice and gets 1 black/hit-critical.png, 1 black/hit.png, 1 black/hit-surge.png, and 2 blank results. Having rolled the dice, Simone then resolves any abilities that let her reroll dice. The Snowtroopers do not have any reroll abilities, but they do have an aim token. Simone chooses to use the aim token to reroll up to 2 dice of her choice. Both dice must be rerolled at the same time; she cannot reroll 1 and then reroll it again with the same aim token.imone chooses to reroll both blank dice, getting 1 black/hit-surge.png and 1 blank result, bringing the final dice results to 1 black/hit-critical.png, 1 black/hit.png, 2 black/hit-surge.png, and 1 blank result.Next, she converts attack surges. Since the Snowtroopers have black/hit-surge.png:black/hit.png on the surge chart on their Unit Card, Simone changes the 2 black/hit-surge.png results to black/hit.png results. If the Snowtroopers did not have black/hit-surge.png:black/hit.png, she would have turned the black/hit-surge.png results to blank results instead. The final dice results for the attack are therefore 1 black/hit-critical.png, 3 black/hit.png, and 1 blank result.

Canceling Results

When a result in an attack pool is canceled, remove that result from the pool.

Apply Dodge and Cover

  1. Determine Number of Obscured Miniatures: If the attack is not a ranged attack, skip to the Apply Dodge step below. If the attack is a ranged attack, the attacking player checks LOS from the attacking unit leader to each miniature in the defending unit. If LOS to a miniature is completely blocked, the miniature is obscured. If LOS from any part of the attacking unit leader’s silhouette to any part of the defending miniature’s silhouette is blocked by terrain that the attacking unit leader is not in base contact with and that terrain is at black/range-half.png of the defending miniature, the defending miniature is obscured. Repeat this process for every miniature in the defending unit.
  2. Determine Cover: If at least half of the miniatures in the defending unit are obscured, the defending unit has cover. The type of cover is determined by whatever is obscuring the defending unit, providing either heavy or light cover based on the players’ discussion of terrain before the game. If a unit has cover and at least one of the miniatures in the defending unit is obscured by terrain that provides heavy cover, the unit has heavy cover. If the defending unit has cover but does not have heavy cover, it has light cover.

    While a unit is suppressed, it improves its cover by one: a unit with no cover gains light cover, and a unit in light cover gains heavy cover.

  3. Roll Cover Pool: If the defending unit has cover, the defending player rolls one white defense die for every black/hit.png result in the attack pool.
  4. Apply Cover: If the defending unit has light cover, it cancels one black/hit.png result in the attack pool for each black/block.png result in the cover pool. If the defending unit has heavy cover, it cancels one black/hit.png result in the attack pool for each black/block.png and each black/block-surge.png result in the cover pool instead.
  5. Apply Dodge: If the defending unit has one or more dodge tokens, the defending player may spend any number of them. For each dodge token spent, cancel one black/hit.png result in the attack pool. Units may spend dodge tokens even if there are no black/hit.png results in the attack pool.
Summer’s Clone Troopers are attacking Brian’s unit of 7 Battle Droids with a ranged attack; she has rolled 1 black/hit-critical.png and 3 black/hit.png results. Summer then checks LOS from the Clone Troopers’ unit leader to each miniature in the Battle Droid unit. Summer has LOS to every miniature in the Battle Droid unit, but part of the silhouette of 5 Battle Droids is blocked by terrain. Brian then measures the distance between those Battle Droids and the obscuring terrain. Since 4 of them are at black/range-half.png of the obscuring terrain, those 4 miniatures are obscured.Because at least half of the Battle Droids are obscured, the Battle Droids have cover. Before the game, Brian and Summer determined that the building provides heavy cover and the crates provide light cover. Because at least 1 of the Battle Droids is obscured by the building, the Battle Droids have heavy cover.Brian then rolls 3 white defense dice in the cover pool, 1 for each black/hit.png result. Brian rolls 1 blank result and 2 black/block-surge.png results.Because the Battle Droids have heavy cover, 2 black/hit.png results are canceled in the attack roll, 1 for each black/block.png and black/block-surge.png result in the cover pool. That leaves 1 black/hit-critical.png and 1 black/hit.png result in the attack pool.Brian’s Battle Droids do not have any dodge tokens, so the Apply Dodge and Cover step of the attack is over.

Modify Attack Dice

The attacking player may resolve any effects that modify the attacking unit’s attack dice. Then the defending player may resolve any effects that modify the attacking unit’s attack dice.

Roll Defense Dice

The defending player rolls defense dice by following the below steps.
  1. Roll Defense Dice: For every remaining black/hit.png and black/hit-critical.png result remaining in the attack pool, the defender rolls one defense die, using the die pictured on the defending Unit Card.
  2. Reroll Defense Dice: The defending player can resolve any effects that allow the defending unit to reroll defense dice.
  3. Convert Defense Surges: The defending player changes any black/block-surge.png results to the result indicated on the Unit Card. If no result is indicated, turn the die to a blank result. The defending player may spend any number of surge tokens on the defending unit to convert one black/block-surge.png result to a black/block.png result for each surge token spent.
Summer has attacked Brian’s Battle Droids and has a dice pool of 1 black/hit-critical.png and 1 black/hit.png result after applying dodge and cover. Since Battle Droids have white defense dice, Brian rolls 2 white defense dice, 1 for each black/hit.png and critical result remaining. He rolls 1 black/block.png and 1 black/block-surge.png result.After rolling defense dice, Brian may use any abilities that allow him to reroll defense dice. The Battle Droids do not have such an ability, so he proceeds to convert defense surges. Since Battle Droids do not have black/block-surge.png:black/block.png on their Unit Card, he changes the black/block-surge.png he rolled to a blank, resulting in a final roll of 1 black/block.png and 1 blank result.

Modify Defense Dice

The defending player may resolve any effects that modify the defending unit’s defense dice. Then the attacking player may resolve any effects that modify the defending unit’s defense dice.

Compare Results

The attacking player counts the number of black/hit.png and black/hit-critical.png results. Then the defending player counts the number of black/block.png results and subtracts the total number of black/block.png results from the total number of black/hit.png and black/hit-critical.png results. The defending unit suffers a number of wounds equal to the difference.
Summer has rolled 1 black/hit-critical.png and black/hit.png a result after applying cover in her attack against Brian’s Battle Droids, and he has rolled 1 black/block.png and 1 blank result in defense. Summer counts her black/hit.png and black/hit-critical.png results for a total of 2. Brian counts his black/block.png results for a total of 1. The players subtract Brian’s total from Summer’s total for 2-1=1. Since the defending unit suffers a number of wounds equal to the difference in the attacking and defending results, Brian’s Battle Droids suffer 1 wound.

Assign Suppression Token to Defender

After resolving steps 1-9 of the attack sequence, if there were any black/hit.png or black/hit-critical.png results in the attack pool during the Roll Attack Dice step of the attack sequence and the attack was a ranged attack, the defending unit gains one suppression token.

Suffering Wounds

Suffering Wounds and Defeating Miniatures

Jagged red tokens, number 3 or blank inside.When a player’s unit suffers wounds, that player chooses a miniature from that unit and assigns wound tokens to it until either all wounds have been suffered or the miniature is defeated.A miniature is defeated when it has a number of wound tokens assigned to it equal to its wound threshold. If there are unassigned wounds remaining after a miniature has been defeated, the player chooses another miniature from the same unit and repeats the process until either all wounds have been assigned or all miniatures in the unit have been defeated. When a unit suffers wounds from a ranged attack, if the attacker has LOS to only some of the miniatures in the defending unit, the defending unit cannot suffer wounds greater than the total wound threshold of miniatures that are in LOS.A unit leader cannot be assigned wounds unless it is the only miniature in the unit.A miniature or unit with at least one wound token is wounded. When assigning wound tokens, the wounded miniature with the most wound tokens must be chosen before any others when assigning wounds and must be assigned wounds until it is defeated. If more than one miniature has the same number of wound tokens assigned, choose one of those miniatures to assign wounds to.When a miniature is defeated, remove it from the battlefield. If a unit leader is defeated and there are still undefeated miniatures in the unit, the unit’s controlling player must immediately choose another miniature in that unit to become the unit leader, replacing that miniature with the unit leader miniature.When all of the miniatures in a unit are defeated, the unit is defeated. Remove all order tokens for that unit from the battlefield.
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