Activation Phase

During the Activation Phase, players activate their units and may perform actions with them.Starting with the player who has priority, players take turns activating their units one at a time.
  1. Resolve Abilities or Effects at Start of Activation Phase
  2. Choose a Unit to Activate or Pass
  3. Activate Unit
    1. Resolve Any Abilities or Effects at the Start of a Unit's Activation
    2. Rallying
    3. Perform Actions
    4. Resolve Any Abilities or Effects at the End of a Unit's Activation
  4. Place Order Token
  5. Resolve Abilities or Effects at End of Activation Phase

Choose a Unit to Activate or Pass

The active player chooses to either activate a friendly unit with a faceup order token or to draw an order token randomly from the order pool and activate a unit matching that order token’s rank that does not have an order token. Alternatively, a player may be able to pass. When a player passes, they do not activate a unit and their turn ends.If a player draws an order token with a rank that does not have any corresponding undefeated friendly units that do not have an order token, remove that token from the game. Then that player may pass. If they do not pass and still have units to activate, they must choose to either activate a friendly unit with a faceup order token or to draw another order token randomly from the order pool.If a player did not pass on their previous turn this round, they may spend an advantage token in their pass pool. If they do, they pass.If a player does not have any units they can activate, they pass.

Pass Pool

Circular with dots in the middle.After creating the order pool, each player counts the number of undefeated units they control. The player with fewer undefeated units adds a number of advantage tokens to their pass pool equal to 1 fewer than the difference in those counts. Once players have created their pass pools, if any, the Command Phase is over, and the Activation Phase begins.
Nick has 8 undefeated units and Ben has 12. The difference between the counts is 4. 1 fewer than that is 3, so Nick adds 3 advantage tokens to his pass pool.

Activating a Unit

When a unit is chosen to activate, it first attempts to rally, and then the unit may perform actions. After the unit has completed its actions, flip the unit’s faceup order token facedown or assign it the drawn order token facedown.
  1. Resolve Any Abilities or Effects at the Start of a Unit's Activation
  2. Rallying
  3. Perform Actions
  4. Resolve Any Abilities or Effects at the End of a Unit's Activation
  5. Assign Order Token


When a unit leader miniature changes position in any way, all other miniatures in the unit must be put into cohesion. For a miniature to be in cohesion, all of the following must be true:
  1. Each miniature must be at black/range-half.png of its unit leader. When measuring cohesion, the range tool may not overlap impassable terrain.
  2. Each miniature must have LOS to its unit leader.
  3. Each miniature must be within a vertical distance equal to the height of the unit leader’s silhouette of its unit leader.
If a miniature cannot be put into cohesion, place it as close as possible to its unit leader instead.


Each time a unit activates, it has a chance to rally and remove suppression tokens. To rally a unit, its controlling player rolls one white defense die for each suppression token the unit has. Then its controlling player removes one suppression token for each black/block.png or black/block-surge.png result rolled.After rallying, if a unit begins its Perform Actions step while suppressed, it performs one fewer action during its Perform Actions step.If a unit begins its Perform Actions step while panicked, it cannot perform any actions or free actions. Then, if a unit did not perform any actions or free actions due to panic, at the end of the unit’s activation, it removes suppression tokens equal to its courage value.
On Ryan’s turn, he chooses to activate a Rebel Trooper unit with 2 suppression tokens. After resolving any effects at the start of the Rebel Trooper unit’s activation, he performs the unit’s Rally step and rolls 2 white defense dice, 1 for each suppression token. Unfortunately, he rolls 2 blanks and does not remove any suppression tokens from the unit.Because the Rebel Troopers have a courage value of 1 and have a number of suppression tokens equal to or greater than their courage value, they are still suppressed and must perform 1 fewer action during the Perform Actions step of their activation.Additionally, because the Rebel Troopers have suppression equal to or greater than double their courage value, they are still panicked as well as suppressed. Therefore, they perform no actions or free actions, and at the end of their activation, they remove suppression tokens equal to their courage value.


When a unit leader miniature changes position in any way, all other miniatures in the unit must be put into cohesion. For a miniature to be in cohesion, all of the following must be true:
  1. Each miniature must be at black/range-half.png of its unit leader. When measuring cohesion, the range tool may not overlap impassable terrain.
  2. Each miniature must have LOS to its unit leader.
  3. Each miniature must be within a vertical distance equal to the height of the unit leader’s silhouette of its unit leader.
If a miniature cannot be put into cohesion, place it as close as possible to its unit leader instead.


Each time a unit activates, it has a chance to rally and remove suppression tokens. To rally a unit, its controlling player rolls one white defense die for each suppression token the unit has. Then its controlling player removes one suppression token for each black/block.png or black/block-surge.png result rolled.After rallying, if a unit begins its Perform Actions step while suppressed, it performs one fewer action during its Perform Actions step.If a unit begins its Perform Actions step while panicked, it cannot perform any actions or free actions. Then, if a unit did not perform any actions or free actions due to panic, at the end of the unit’s activation, it removes suppression tokens equal to its courage value.
On Ryan’s turn, he chooses to activate a Rebel Trooper unit with 2 suppression tokens. After resolving any effects at the start of the Rebel Trooper unit’s activation, he performs the unit’s Rally step and rolls 2 white defense dice, 1 for each suppression token. Unfortunately, he rolls 2 blanks and does not remove any suppression tokens from the unit.Because the Rebel Troopers have a courage value of 1 and have a number of suppression tokens equal to or greater than their courage value, they are still suppressed and must perform 1 fewer action during the Perform Actions step of their activation.Additionally, because the Rebel Troopers have suppression equal to or greater than double their courage value, they are still panicked as well as suppressed. Therefore, they perform no actions or free actions, and at the end of their activation, they remove suppression tokens equal to their courage value.
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